An update on Ezyroller availability
Feb 23, 2022
Dear customers, partners and friends, We want to update you on the availability of Ezyroller products in Australia. As you can see from our online store, many of the models and colours are currently unavailable. Quite rightly a lot of you are very impatient to get their hands on products from our range. Short version: BAD NEWS: Our shipment was delayed by over a month compared to initial forecast. GOOD NEWS: ALL EZYROLLERS NOW AVAILABLE! Long version: WHAT HAPPENED? Ezyrollers are manufactured overseas and we bring them in by ship via Port Botany. You might have read about it but international shipping has been massively disrupted since March 2020. Transit times are way above normal and shipping costs are 3 to 4 times what they were before COVID. This should eventually improve but right now it’s still a very bad situation. We had some Ezyrollers leave the factory on Dec 30th. They were meant to arrive Jan 15. Well in fact the ship only arrived in Sydney on Feb 6. It then took quite a few days for them to be cleared through customs, AQIS etc… We then reached the final hurdle a few days ago when the shipment arrived at our warehouse. Normally unpacking and putting away takes 2 or 3 days and then we are ready to ship to everyone in Australia. Well this time it has again taken much longer than usual to go through this process. A glut of arrivals at the warehouse, staff off with COVID, weather events and finally a train strike! Apart from a plague of cane toads, we probably had everything against us. The good news is that the warehouse processing is almost complete. We anticipate this being complete in the next few hours (fingers crossed – we’ve had some many recent setbacks!) and then we will be back to normal. Apologies from us, we’ve been working hard to get things done as quickly as possible. We had to overcome many obstacles but we think we are finally (almost) there! Thanks for your support and patience. Warm regards.- The Ezyroller Australia Team |